Once again, totally irrelevant title, but it made me laugh when my five-year-old cousin Hasan, (who has a tendency to be slightly effeminate), said this in reaction to eating a particularly spicy pakora. Bless him.
So hello! I dropped off the face of the Earth firslty because I had nothig to blog about during exam season, then because I was too busy sleeping/being a slob to blog after that. but I am here now. With my non-chronological List of Events That Have Happened.
Me: ....Yes..? Gawd, I know they're bad, but there's no need to-
Dad: Give it to him.
Me: But his lips aren't chap-
Dad: It's for his nose.
Me: *laughs uneasily in a misheard-way*
Dad: Haroon, rub the lip balm around your nostrils. It'll trap the pollen and you won't sneeze.So hello! I dropped off the face of the Earth firslty because I had nothig to blog about during exam season, then because I was too busy sleeping/being a slob to blog after that. but I am here now. With my non-chronological List of Events That Have Happened.
- When I was younger, the family and I would go for walks along the canal that runs fairly near where I live. It's a hell of a long walk, but very pretty for greenery and the occasional barge that goes by, with the people on board waving as they pass, like it's still a century ago. We made a spur-of-the-moment decision to revisit it in June, and so, woefully underprepared with a lack of sunscreen/hayfever-tablets for the brother/water/cool clothes, we set out to be all nostalgic. Fifteen minutes into the walk, the brother descended into explosive sneezes, the sun came out and melted us all to death, and my dad got thirsty. It was too late to turn back though, so we soldiered on. My dad's quick-fix solution to the brother's hayfever went as follows:
Me: ....Yes..? Gawd, I know they're bad, but there's no need to-
Dad: Give it to him.
Me: But his lips aren't chap-
Dad: It's for his nose.
Me: *laughs uneasily in a misheard-way*
Me: *Begins to run*
Maybe the last part didn't happen.
After much disgust, struggling and refusal on my part, I was coerced into finding a lip balm I was sure I never wanted to use again (I may possess several due to a slight obsession). There was a horrible moment of lip-balm smearing and emasculation for Haroon, and then it was over. And despite the Bear-Grylls-ness of this, he did stop sneezing and my dad did the whole smug see-I'm-a-pharmacist-I-know-these-things look.
We did actually manage the walk, despite the humidity and the sun and the younger brother moaning that this was too much and my clothes sticking to me, and an awful ten minutes when we had to pass the sewers and there were literally swarms of flies @_@ But yes. About 4 hours later we were back home and decided to offset all the calories burned by ordering two Dominos Pizzas. Because why not :D
The first picture is just the pretty-ness of the canal. Yay! And the second was when we passed along a field of rapeseed..I think that's what it is, the bright yellow one anyway. Huge field of all these yellow flowers, and I spied two red poppies in the middle of it all. I felt for them, so took a photo.

- I MADE COOKIES TOO! Same recipe, refer to the Emad's blog for the link, I can't be bothered to find it and may as well plug his blog while I'm here, it's adequate in a sort of readable way :P (I JOKE! It's great.) But yes, the cookies were awesome and that recipe is seriously the best ever: they come out all chewy! And don't listen to what anyone tells you, using chunks of galaxy chocolate instead of chocolate chips tastes ten times better. :D I know. I tried both ways, to make an informed decision. Or just to get fat. Note the pretentious arty-ness of how I took my photo. Because I'm oh-so-experimental and creative.

- I have been making a conscious effort to be a girl, recently. I have decided that 20 years of life is long enough to be going through a self-conscious awkwardness crisis. Despite being hopelessly outshadowed by girly cousins and the like, I shall make my own small steps towards attempting to do things that girls do. Step One was to acquire a girly bag, as I have never carried anything other than boyish satchels. So I got a huge, pretty white and pink shoulder bag with a lot of shiny sequins/beads on it because I am a magpie. And I can't find a picture but will edit with one if I do. This decision worked well, despite me walking lopsided for a month due to not being used to the weight of a shoulder bag as opposed to a cross-body one. Step Two was not biting my nails, as I felt this was not ladylike. Nah, it's because it was starting to hurt to touch things. But I did put nail polish on for the first time in my life! It was an awesome peacock blue-green metallic colour, and admittedly I got it everywhere due to never having worn the stuff before, but it was a start. I have now ordered a sparkly purple one because it looked awesome :D And Step 3 will be to sort my dress sense out, but that ones going to take a while. Note that high heels will never be a part of this effeminisation. Yes. New word.
- My family is all over the world at the moment. Had to stay behind to do a resit/curl up in a ball of self pity as everyone else went off to do things. It shall be a lesson to me: use brain more effectively next time, stupid person.
- Spiders appear very frequently in my room due to there being a massive hole in the wall where the fireplace was, that can't be covered by my clothes drawer. I keep having heart attacks. Just...*shudder*
- I have a LOT of palpitations. I mean, I know I drink pepsi a lot and caffeine accounts for this, but I keep having them when I haven't had pepsi- sometimes I haven't had caffeine all day and still end up with them. It's like my heart misses every 3rd beat and it scares the hypochondriac in me. Already thought out all the worst case scenarios. I fear that another spider would just cause my heart to throw in the towel and storm out.
- The Sandman graphic novels are pretty damn ace so far, but what with exams I haven't been able to get the next one so all I can say is the first 3 are very good. I've never read a graphic novel before, but they were clearly a good place to start. Awesome stuff.
- My obvious bewitching-ness made me the target of attention for not one, but two creepy Asians, when I was getting the train home from Uni. It happened twice, and I would have been flattered by their perversely invasive questions ('Where are you from in pakistan', 'Where are you going?' 'Will you come to Manchester with me?' and further Urdu things) had they not been forty something and dentally challenged. I mean, really?! A sad state of affairs.
- Went to see the Wolves crew yesterday, just for the day. This was, as ever, much fun: comfort white Magnum with my aunty Em was indeed comforting, and the comedy relief of hearing Baby Bear (who is now 18 months-ish) saying nothing but 'Ball?' the whole time was great. And Hasan's over-excitedness manifested itself in him abandoning his food to come and tap dance in front of me. Brilliance.
- I think I may have run out of things to say. No, really. I know..!
In a while, crocodile!
(Or, as my housemate likes to say as I'm leaving, 'Stay safe, and say no to drugs!' ...You'd think she had no faith in me.)
Yeah I would have done the same in not using the same lip balm. I too have many and collect various types etc. *Sync nod*.
ReplyDeleteAnd pharmacists think they're chemists, pfft (right Aunty Em?!) And my blog is great! Shh =P
(My cookies were better.)
You are super girly as it is, lol! Nail biting is not ladylike - I told you this AGES ago woman! Yeah, remain girly and just say no to high heels...eww!
Stop drinking so much crap! Green tea mister! =D
And stop woo-ing so many males! =(
And finally another stop (because this is now a list of commandments lol): avoid drugs! We all know you can be a party animal but...there's a time and place for that.
YAY =]
Holy crow, this post made me laugh so much. Ew @ having to share your lipbalm. I am very territorial when it comes to Vaseline, so I feel your pain. On the upside the canal looks gorgeous! Also, is it pronounced rape-seed or rap-invisible e-seed? I've always wondered.
ReplyDeleteI WANT THOSE COOKIES. GODDAMNIT. P.S., once upon a time I ate too many galaxies & now have an aversion. The only kind I can handle are the caramel ones - think they would work in cookies or would the caramel explode?!
Shoulder bags are sooo bad! I'm going to look like Quasimodo by the time I'm 25, I swear. But the bag sounds yum! And I'm with you on high heels. Total. Death. Traps.
ARGHJHAKSYASHASYJHJ @ the spider invasion.
"I would have been flattered by their perversely invasive questions had they not been forty something and dentally challenged." LMAO, that was class. Seriously though, some males. I vote for the reintroduction of mace, and by mace I mean: http://www.warriors-wizards.com/Images/morning_star_flail.jpg
The lip balm thing is a great idea! I wonder if I can get my brother to do it...*grins evilly*. But yay to nostalgia and being unprepared on long walks :) It only makes it waaaaaaaaay more fun and memorable!
ReplyDeleteI should really make these cookies :)
Be who you want to be, not what everyone else is/what you think you should be :)
I seem to be hearing about the Sandman novels a lot recently...I will add them to my list. They're by Neil Gaiman, right? I LOVE his books!
I have resits too. You're not stupid. Shit happens. Don't beat yourself up over it. Also, I went to Leicester and went inside your medschool. The uni road is pretty :) The med school building, not so much. And I saw how they do your exam grades - that's just evil!!!
*Waves* :D
Great blog as always... you failed to mention I nearly had you doing belly dancing and pre natal yoga! And yes I agree with 'its complicated' Leicester's whole exam system is buggered. But I guess you will have higher standards than the none leicester students and that helps at work when impressing your mentors etc. In the meantime, curse you resits! They will be over and done soon. XX Oh and gimme those cookies! yummeee...
ReplyDeleteHello Emad! We avnt spoken in months! Hope you are ok and making the most of the summer. Im sure your blog is great, have never read it:( Its a shame but pharmacists have better potential earnings than chemists. Sorry I am a little biased on that 1. My brother is the best pharmacist in the world, better than any GP out there. Hes so clued up and brilliant. Most of the family go to him for advice than the docs and medics we have in our family. Hes so humble too. Hope you get to meet him one day! Do you suffer from hayfever? :)
Emad: You leave pharmacists alone! You cannot win that fight! :P My cookies were blatantly better, lol. And the green tea is good but can't be had with digestives, a shame :( But yes, yay! :)
ReplyDeleteRosie: why thank you! :P I believe it's rape-seed but not too sure.. How can you have an aversion to Galaxy?! I can't imagine caramel working too well, but totally willing to give it a go for research purposes... And the mace sounds good ¬_¬
It's Complicated- Lol, don't worry, totally not having an identity crisis, I genuinely want to be a girl :P And I can't believe you came to Leicester- I know, our medschool is just nasty. Blatantly unchanged since it opened. Yeah, the books are by Neil gaiman hence me suggesting them to you :D Love his books too! And yes, our grading system is evil ¬_¬
Aunty Em- Okay, the yoga yes, but belly dancing?! lol. Ah i forgot that, it was great :D Well let's hope it means we learn it well... CURSE THEM. Oh, and you have to make them, they're sooooo easy!
(And I agree on the greatness of pharmacists. Not biased.)
Aunty Em! I can't believe you haven't read my blog before! It's better than this thing...AHEM. (Even Humaira secretly agrees.) Well so long as he's a real pharmacist (sounds like it with the way you're praising him =P unbiased lol) because some real idiots can get onto the course these days. Seriously, the people from our school...jees!
ReplyDeleteHumaira: BELLY DANCING!?
Emad: lol okay I should explain, the belly dancing is merely a form of exercise, a little hula hooping, its fun and helps you get into great shape. What have you got planned for the summer? Can you help me out with a new phone, my upgrade is due and im thinking of waiting for the iphone 5. I could get the N8 or E7, theyve been around for a bit though. I need a good camera, about 12 mega pixels.
ReplyDeleteHumaira: I agree! pharmacists are often more clued up than docs, except for the ones coming out of newcastle apparantly. Humaira did you read about this couple that discovered a rotting dismembered sea creature on a beach in Aberdeen? I was freaked, its looks mythological.
Aunty Em: I know, but Humaira doing this is just...WOW =P This summer I am copying Humaira...and doing some extra revision...for no reason whatsoever =/
ReplyDeleteOh, it's never about megapixels! My advice would be to wait for the iPhone 5 in September/October (and only get it if it's a free upgrade!) My upgrade is soon and I'm waiting for the new stream of Nokias with Windows coming out.
Having said all of that nonsense (I hope I have been helpful...ahem), I have a Sony Xperia Arc and the camera on that is pretty good! (The N8 has a good camera but seriously poor phone.)
And Newcastle don't do pharmacies - stop hating my university! =(
Aunty Em: Emad just has a grudge against pharmacists ¬_¬ But he meant the ones from school, not Newcastle, lol- loads of people picked it just as a nothing-better-to-do-option. Rotting dismembered sea creature?! @_@ what the hell?!
ReplyDeleteEmadness: I DIDN'T DAMMIT! We watched it on tv! In what universe would I exert myself voluntarily?! And how is the N8 a poor phone..?
Hummothy: I have a grudge against idiots who get onto courses non-idiots traditionally follow, yes lol.
ReplyDeleteAnd I KNOW you belly-danced. You are the sort of person to do such a thing after all...ahem =P
And the N8 has great hardware but very old software. The whole thing is made out of aluminium and has a brilliant camera etc etc yet is running years-old software. Which is why newer Nokias will be awesome! =D
jeez! What have I started!?! boys and girls take a deep breath.
ReplyDeleteEmad: I dont mind the N8, it is a nice phone, camera is amazing, my hubby has one, but hes not impressed by it. Plus Haroon has had the N8 for over a year now, so its already dated! Im going to wait for the iphone 5, but its not gonna be free, i will be paying at least £200 for it. But I am going to give it to my hubby cos he is having withdrawal symptoms. Windows on Nokias?? that is awesum! You whizz! im impressed. Sorry I thought you meant school as in 'School of Pharmacy' at Newcastle. So whats with the grudge against idiots? just kidding!
So how long until these new nokias become available?
Humaira: I know! I was freaked. Google away. I was thinking about the slightest eerie places you visited 2 summers ago in Scotland. Anyway happy revison to you both. It will be over before you know it.
Aunty Em: My brother has an N8 too and he has a friend who has gone through not 1, not 2, not 3....but SEVEN N8s. Yes. Seven. And yeah, I doubt the new iPhone would be free even as an upgrade, damn phones!
ReplyDeleteThe Windows Nokias may be out as early as September but there'll be a few by the end of the year. Wait! So decide between those and the iPhone! =P
There'll also be this other Nokia which looks awesome but the software won't really be on any other phone...!