Saturday, 5 September 2009

A discombobulation of information.

The photograph on my desk calendar is not just of ice is soft, sumptuous, indulgent, cardiac-arrest-on-a-plate vanilla ice cream, drizzled with generous lashing of thick chocolate sauce...

Argh! This is what fasting does to me!

I had intended to write about my week with some sort of structure, but as ever, somebody knocked over the filing cabinet in my head, and then set fire to the contents, danced in the flames and THEN liberally coated the remains with chocolate sauce... No! *Stops self* There I go again.
I think I'll stick to a bullet point list of things that have happened, in no real order...

  • Jenny bought me a penguin finger puppet! ARGH! I talk to him constantly. And I have named him Dylan, in her honour.
  • I have attempted to 'pack', in the vaguest sense of the word, for university (since I go on the 2oth *Moment of nausea*). This has involved erratic visits to Huddersfield, where I have ended up buying nothing but food for later, along with small items that I really do not need. The latest addition to the pile in the middle of my room: a hairdryer. I don't think I was in need of one, but myself and the brother have had lots of fun blowing it in our faces and making our cheeks ripple. So it was worth it.
  • Bryony is currently engaged in slow motion running through fields to...oh, what was that theme again...?! :D
  • I started a blog! This is, in fact, said blog. I am rather excited, even though I can see myself being the only reader within a month. Still, it's nice to talk to my computer. *waves to laptop*
  • I ordered the 3rd Chelsea Cain book, the release of which I've awaited for over a year. Dayyamn! Very excited. It should arrive at some point next week. I'll have it read before uni.
  • I have taken to re-watching the US Office...and rewatching some more. And I have discovered that conversations can be held with some people in Office quotes alone :D Yes, that sad. Tried watching some of the British one, but I really didn't like it as much. Steve Carrell is a legend.
  • Saf and Emad are moving in together. No, really. Personally I think it's too soon.
  • Can't wait for the new Sherlock Holmes! Yay for Robert Downey Jr!
  • I have realised that I am overusing exclamation marks. This shall be curbed.
  • Bought the best pair of Sketchers on the planet. Though I love all Sketchers.
  • My mum has taken to stopping mid-flow of any activity, and saying 'Who's going to do this when you're not here any more?!'. I have had to take great pains to explain to people that I am not leaving home forever. My family is still determined to accompany me to Leicester in a convoy, fully equipped with all Asian foods imaginable, and streamers etc for Eid celebrations. Great stuff.
I've rambled. I'll stop now, since nothing else of interest has happened (or if it has, I've forgotten it).
In a while, crocodile.


  1. Wait! The racing of Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder must also continue!
    Aaah The Office.
    "I'm thirty". =P
    No...I am going to live with a complete stranger, mnind change lol.

  2. Lol I loved the 'I don't think they are ready to move in together'. I think their little love nest is perfect personally.
    And I can't remember what the theme song was....something very instrumental and cheesy?
    And this time this comment had better work!
